Schneider TM
This instant composition titled Gvoon Bloose was originally recorded for Arthur Schmidt’s video installation series “Innen” as part of Gvoon (Global Visions of other Natures) and exposes Dirk Dresselhaus’ solo project Schneider TM in its most bare yet intense form.
Performed in one take on a baritone guitar with a bunch of effect pedals through a stereo set of tube amplifiers plus one overdub of breathing, this unedited and barely mixed piece provides an adequate score for the transcendental character of “Innen“, filmed in a black padded cell of the Stasi, which Arthur Schmidt transferred from Berlin to another location in its original condition of 1981, the year of his own imprisonment, and meticulously rebuilt as part of coming to terms with one’s own experiences and dealing with the empathy of others.
MWM rough #2
This is the second part of the ongoing MWM rough – release series on MirrorWorldMusic that features unedited rough mixes of live sessions performed and recorded at the studio ZONE in Berlin. The aim is to keep and release the music in its purest form, including all its possible imperfections, so as not to lose the power and spirit of the original performance through any kind of artificial post-production, which can be understood as a statement against fear and current trends of exaggerated self-optimization in questionable directions.
released January 26, 2024
Performed, recorded, mixed & mastered by Dirk Dresselhaus on 22nd November 2023 at ZONE, Berlin.
Published by Edition MirrorWorldMusic